Bird Watching

Bird Watching

Our landscapes allows us to watch many different birds from a variety of habitats. St. Lucia is a bird-watching and nature lover’s paradise with 177 bird species, 6 being endemic to the island (St Lucian parrot, Oriole, St. Lucia warbler, Semper’s warbler, St. Lucia Pewee and the St. Lucia black finch), plenty of sub-endemics, including the Whitebreasted Thrasher, Grey trembler, Rufous-throated Solitaire and the Forest Thrush and many fascinating migratory birds (including the large North American Osprey).

Hardcore Birding

Hardcore Birding and Excursion: our quest for endemics and specialties combined with scenic beautiful landscapes A Two days birding trip combined in one day. Our tour begins from pick up, where give commentary on St.…

North East Birding Excursion

North-East Birding Excursion. We escape to the Northeast coast, a virtually unspoilt and enchanted part of the island. On our way to Des Barrar, we drive through the beautiful and ever green agricultural community of…

Spectacular Birding Excursion

Spectacular Birding Excursion (combing scenic beauty and quality bird life) This lovely location gives us the opportunity to see many endemics, lesser Antilles species and regional species with a back drop that is absolutely spectacular.…

About Us

Wildlife Ambassadors offer professional and skilled guiding service throughout Saint Lucia.

Phone: (1758) 518 8678 

Fax: (000) 000 0000 


Popular Tours

Some of our Birds